Best Ways To Catch Live Bait/ Baitfishing

August 27, 2019

Best Ways To Catch Live Bait/ Baitfishing

For people serious about fishing, they know that the bait is important. While many different types of fishing baits can be purchased in the store, a person has a better chance of catching a big fish if they use live bait. Here are some tips to help a person catch live bait they can use for fishing:

Location Is Important
Fishing for bait is still fishing. The person should look for places that smaller fish tend to hide. Rock jetties, pier supports, and even shallow reefs are good places to look for bait. These places give smaller fish security. They are a good place to start when looking to watch fish for bait.

Moving Water
It is important to look for bait in water that is moving. It does not matter if the water is incoming or outgoing as long as there is a current. The last two hours of the water coming in or the first two hours when the water begins to go out provide the best chance of catching baitfish.

Night Fishing
When the sun is out and there are boats in the water, the bait will go to the deeper water or stay in their shelter. They will not be swimming around and this makes them hard to catch. They will also be nervous with all the activity in the water. Once the sun begins to go down, the bait will swim in the shallow water and will not be as nervous. This is a great time to go fishing for them. 

Be Patient
If a person is in a hurry and is looking for a fast catch they will be disappointed. They need to wait until the bait finds them and not be aggressive when going after it. A person should put down their anchor, set the chum and wait until the bait finds them. If the surface of the water begins to dimple, this can be a sign that there is bait nearby. A frozen chum block can be used to attract the bait. A person can also make their chum using sand, ground oats, and menhaden oil. A bell can be attached to the line to allow a person to know when the bait begins to bite so they do not miss out.

After a person catches the bait, they do not want it to die. This will defeat the purpose of using live bait. Some things can be done to help the bait stay alive. A dehooking device can be used to remove the hook from the wait. The device is inexpensive and a person can use it without touching the bait. This will allow it to keep its natural coat and will keep it healthier for a longer time.

These are some tips on how to catch bait. When going for the bigger fish it is important to have a bait that they like and is still fresh. Catching these fish for bait can help a person get the big fish that they are after.

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